Terms and Conditions


 № ____

Baku                                                                                                                        “___”_________  2024

«Evkalipt Management Group» LLC (hereinafter referred to as «Contractor»), on the one hand, in the person of its director Rashad  Farajov Elman, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, _________________________________ by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as «Client»), has concluded this Contract on the following terms.S



1.1 The Contractor provides the Client with garden services (horticultural services in the household, growing flowers, horticultural activities and other, hereinafter referred to as «Services») in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by this Contract, and the Client accepts the Services, The services provided by the Contractor and those agreed by the Parties in the manner and under the conditions stipulated by this Agreement shall be paid to the Client.

1.2 The content, amount, fees, duration, procedure and other conditions necessary for the performance of the Services shall be specified in the Price Agreement  Protocols annexed to this Contract and signed by both Parties forming an integral part thereof.



2.1. The amount of service fees agreed between the Parties shall be reflected in the Price Agreement Protocol, which are annexed to this Contract and shall be considered as an integral part of it signed by both Parties.

2.2. Payment by the Client to the Contractor of Services shall be made by the Contractor to the bank account specified in this Contract or in cash on the basis of the Act of Acceptance-Transfer signed by both Parties and the corresponding invoice of the Contractor.

2.3. Payment for Services rendered to the Client by the Contractor during the current calendar month shall be payable by the Client not later than the last working day of this calendar month.


The Parties shall have the right to notify each other of the expression of will, proposal and (or) claim for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this Contract.

3.1. Rights and responsibilities of the Contractor:

      1. The Contractor shall fulfil in a timely manner and in full its obligations under this Contract.
      2. The Contractor may require the Client to perform its obligations in a timely and appropriate manner.


3.2. Rights and obligations of the Client:

3.2.1. The Client shall promptly and in full create the necessary conditions for the performance of the Services, provide the Contractor with the necessary means (materials, documents, etc.) in a timely manner.

3.2.2. The Client shall pay the Contractor in the terms and in the manner established by this Contract.

3.2.3. The Client may require the Contractor to perform the Services under the conditions provided for in this Contract.


    1. This Contract shall enter into force on the date of its signature by both Parties and shall be for a period of 1 (one) year, with the exception of article 2 of the Conract. Article 2 of the Contract shall remain in force until the Employer has fully fulfilled its obligations under this article.
    2.  In the event that neither Party provides written notice to the other Party of the termination of this Contract before the expiry of 1 (one) calendar month, the Contract shall be deemed to be extended for another year under the same conditions. This Contract may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of both Parties.
    3. The Party wishing to terminate the Contract prematurely shall notify the other Party in advance of 1 (one) calendar month.
    4. Upon termination of the Contract, the Contractor shall, within 3 (three) calendar days, transfer to the Customer any kind of materials and documents belonging to the Customer, the Client, in turn, shall pay to the Contractor Services rendered before the date of termination of the Contract.
    1. The Parties shall be liable to each other for non-performance or improper performance of the obligations provided for in this Conract in the manner established by the legislation and this Contract.



6.1. Disputes arising between the Parties in connection with the performance of contractual obligations shall be settled by negotiation and mutual contract.

6.2. Disputes not resolved by mutual consent may be settled by a court in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

  1. Force majeure
    1. In the event of force majeure (epidemic, pandemic, emergency, earthquake, fire, flood and other events) beyond the will of the Parties, which cannot be prevented under conditions of premeditation and logical caution (hereinafter referred to as «Force Majeure»), the Parties are responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations assumed.
    2. A Party subject to force majeure shall notify the other Party not later than 10 (ten) calendar days after the occurrence of such circumstances. Failure to notify the other Party in a timely manner shall not give rise to force majeure

7.3. If a Force Majeure lasts more than 30 (thirty) calendar days after a Party has been notified of such Force Majeure and such a circumstance prevents that Party from fulfilling its basic obligations under this Contract, Each Party may terminate this Contract by giving 5 (five) working days' notice to the other Party in writing



8.1. This Contract shall be drawn up in 2 (two) originals having the same legal force, one of which shall be kept by the Customer and the other by the Contractor.

8.2. Additions and amendments to this Contract may be made with the written consent of both Parties. Additions and amendments to the treaty are formalized by supplements, which are an integral part of it.


Contractor: “Evkalipt Management Group” LLC

TIN: 2008191201

Address: AZ1025, Baku, Khatai district, Central Boulevard str. 3, app-t 22

Bank: Kapital Bank OJSC Khatai branch

Bank TIN:  9900003611

Bank code: 200071    

İBAN: AZ04AIIB400600F9449192927107

Correspondent account: AZ37NABZ01350100000000001944

SWIFT: AIIBAZ2X                              


Director                                         R.E.Farajov

                            (Signature, stamp)                                            


(Full name)

ID (Serial №;PIN)


Registration address: _____________________________









Evkalipt Management Group” LLC and  _____________________ signed between


«About garden services» on

____ «______» to the Contract  № _____ from 2024


Annex  1


On the one hand,  «Evkalipt Management Group» LLC (hereinafter referred to as «Contractor»), in the person of its director Rashad  Farajov Elman, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand,  a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter called «Client»),  «Garden Services»  For the purposes of the Contract (hereinafter referred to as «Contract»), the active Annex (hereinafter referred to as «Annex») was concluded under the following conditions:


1. We, the undersigned, sign the current Price Agreement Protocol(hereinafter referred to as «Protocol») and agree on payment by the Customer to the Contractor for provoding  services specified by the Contractor in the table below (hereinafter «Services»):


Service description

Service Preforming


Cost of service











TOTAL (in digits):




TOTAL (in figures):




  1. This Annex shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties and shall be an integral part of the Contract.
  2. This Annex is signed in two (two) originals of equal legal force, with each Party maintaining one copy of the Annex.








Director                                            R.E.Farajov

                                 (signature, stamp)




(full name)

